Thursday, June 28, 2012

i'm back!

long time, no blog! i'll keep this one short and sweet :) (forgive the grammatical errors and lack of capitalization, one arm is currently occupied by a sweet, sleeping baby)

when I decided to start blogging last year I had every intention to keep up with it and give you all something fantastic to read, cook or create on a regular basis but life happened. We've since moved cross-country, had no internet service, finally got ourselves settled in sunny California, friends have come & gone (you will be greatly missed, Casey!!) and we welcomed a second beautiful baby boy into our lives.

Meet Tanner, my 8lb 14oz bundle of joy born June 8
adjusting to having two babies at home has been a challenge to say the least, but I wouldn't trade it for the world. my day now consists of many many diaper changes, lots of hugs and kisses and even more cooking & cleaning. big brother mason has been very helpful and is learning day by day how to deal with being gentle with baby bro and how to share mama and daddy. I can't lie though, I find myself wishing at least once a day that my Grandmom was still here. She and Nana were a HUGE help to us the week after i came home from  the hospital and no one gets Mason like she does. i pray one day i have half her patience...and her cooking skills would be nice too :) onto something you can cook!
this is a super easy, customize-able recipe great for those who need a yummy, healthy breakfast on the go. i apologize for not uploading a picture, but i have a sleeping boy on one arm that i do not want to disturb! Thank you pinterest for the great idea, i cannot find the original pin but here is my adaptation:

breakfast muffins aka "muscle muffins" (that's what hubby calls them)
makes 12 'muffins'
10 eggs
1/2 lb cooked, crumbled bacon or sausage or you can use both!
1-2 slices of bread, cubed--any kind will do
shredded cheese again, any kind will do. i don't measure out my cheese when making these i just sprinkle it on top
salt and pepper to taste

preheat oven to 350
spray muffin tin very well with nonstick cooking spray
drop a few bread cubes, sausage or bacon into each muffin cup
beat eggs and season with salt, pepper and a splash of milk if desired
pour eggs into each muffin cup, filling each about 3/4 full
sprinkle cheese on top
bake for 25 min at 350

i usually put two muffins in a snack size baggie and stick in the fridge for an easy grab & go breakfast for the hubs. when ready to eat place muffins on a paper towel and heat in microwave for about 45 sec-1 min depending on your microwave. these will keep in the fridge for a week or freeze them and let them thaw in the fridge overnight. these save me from cooking a big breakfast each morning and keeps him from dropping $8 or more on Subway breakfast.

hope you enjoy!
i will do my best to post more often...really!
please leave me feedback on what to do for future posts...organizational ideas? recipes? craft tutorials?

until next time...
<3 lauren