Monday, August 8, 2011

Here lately...

If you were looking for something remotely interesting to read, this may not be the post for you--not too much exciting stuff going on this way lately...well I take that back---

So last week I got to see Maroon 5/Train/Gavin Degraw (FOR FREE!!) in concert with great company (thanks for the girl's night Jasmine!), a ridiculously expensive beer ($11--have they lost their freaking minds?!?), and one heck of a rain storm. Unfortunately we had lawn seats; fortunately I brought a  pretty big blanket that doubled as our storm shelter :) We got soaked, but it was so worth it to see Adam Levine. Hey, he's not Ryan Reynolds but you can't say this guy ain't pretty good looking ;)

As of Friday I no longer have a babysitting job. They are moving 45 min away and it is just not reasonable to drive all that way when they now live closer to work. This is both good and bad.
It is bad because a) no more extra $ b)who is going to hire me to babysit for two and a half months till we move?? Not expecting many prospects.
It is good because a) no more getting up at 5:30 am and waiting around just for them to text me at 6:30 to cancel...this has happened at least a dozen times, causing me to have to reschedule and cancel my own plans. b) I can have a life again! Not that I ever leave the house anyway, but at least now I'm not waiting for a child to be picked up by a mother who has no concept of time (she has been known to leave her child 6+ hours later than scheduled pick up time) and finally c) more time for my little man!!

After being inspired by a friend's similar book (thanks Jess) I am beginning to compile all of my recipes and household stuff so that I will have a nice, shiny, informative collection of information to pass down one day. I can already tell it's going to take me awhile but it will be SO much easier when it's all in one place. I just love organization projects, don't you?! (too bad I don't finish them half the time)

On a bittersweet note, I was so touched that a family member came to me for advice about something very near and dear to both our hearts. My heart breaks for what she is having to take on and I wish I could do more to help her. As much as I hate what she is facing, it feels nice to be needed once in awhile and I hope that she will let me support and stick with her through the whole process.

Now back to something happy--
Mason is sitting up so well! He can be wobbly at times but I am so proud of him! He is also scooting and rolling all over the place...even trying to scoot under his crib!! (fully supervised, of course!)

...on another good note, I am happy to announce the birth of my 2nd cousins: Lauren, Marilyn, Ryan and John Quadruplets!! They were all delivered safely and in good health on Friday. Follow Allison's blog to hear about their amazing journey---The Flynn Quads

I am also getting more fans for my business FB page (thanks to all!!) and have been making some new stuff  lately. Also talked the hubs into letting me start a new venture this winter that I think will do much better that hairbows and crafts. I guess we'll see, all I can do is take a leap of faith and hope for the best.

I suppose I better take advantage of naptime and do some dishes...sigh. While washing said dishes I will daydream about the day I have a dishwasher that does not entail my two hands. Oh, and can't forget the daunting task of "what's for dinner??" that's never fun when it's time to go to the grocery store again.

Hope everyone has a wonderful Monday, and great rest of the week!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Homemade Clean

So I have been holding on to these recipes for awhile (I know, I know; how shameful!!) of some homemade household cleaners and laundry essentials. I have not been able to try all of them out yet but reviews on all of these are phenomenal! Living on one income I have been looking for every way possible to save as much as we can and these homemade household items were a great place to start, because let's face it...we all have to clean and wash clothes (sigh) so why not save money while doing it?!?!

Recipe #1

Degreasing All Purpose Cleaner

•1 teaspoon washing soda
•2 teaspoons borax
•1/2 teaspoon dishwashing liquid
•5-10 drops essential oil (you can find this at Michael's in the soap making section, or order online
•2 cups hot water

Mix all ingredients together into a spray bottle, and shake to combine this homemade all purpose cleaner.

Recipe #2

Homemade Laundry Stain Removers

1 cup hot water
1/2 cup baking soda
1/2 cup hydrogen peroxide


Mix ingredients then store in spray bottles. Spot treat stains then soak overnight.

Recipe #3

Homemade Fabric Freshener (Febreeze)

•1 part baking soda
•1 part fabric softener 
•2 parts warm water
Mix those three ingredients and there you go, your own home-made Febreeze.

Recipe #4

Homemade Laundry Detergent Powder

•1/2 cup laundry soap flakes*
•1/2 cup baking soda
•1/4 cup washing soda
•1/4 cup borax

Mix all the ingredients together and place into a 16 ounce (or larger) plastic container, with a lid.

Each time that you do a load of laundry use 1/2 cup of this mixture as your laundry detergent.

* Nowadays it can be difficult to actually find soap flakes. You can make your own, however, by grating a bar of laundry soap with a kitchen grater. Fels-Naptha is a popular soap and I have seen a few others at Albertson's and Wal-Mart

Recipe #5

Homemade Dish Soap Recipe

1/4 cup soap flakes or soap shavings (I use Ivory--buy with coupon @ WM for 0.47!!)
2 cups water
1  tsp lemon juice or white vinegar
Pour the water and soap fakes in a sauce pan and slowly heat it over medium heat. Stir the mixture and keep heating it until all the soap flakes melt into the water. DO NOT let the mixture come to a boil. Turn down the heat if needed.

Allow the soap  mixture to cool a bit, then stir in the lemon juice or vinegar. Keep it sitting in the pot until it is completely cooled, then pour it into an old dish soap bottle.

Recipe #6

Diaper Rash Cream

1 tsp olive oil
1 tsp cornstarch
2 tsp zinc oxide ointment (you can find at dollar store)
2 tsp antibiotic ointment (dollar store!)
In a small bowl, whisk together the olive oil and cornstarch until it becomes a paste.
Stir in the zinc oxide and antibiotic ointment, blending well with whisk or fork.
Store in tightly sealed container and apply as needed.

Recipe #7

Cleansing Soothing Baby Wipes

1/2 cup light olive oil
4 cups water
1/2 cup gentle baby shampoo
1 roll paper towels cut in half
2 empty baby wipes containers, plastic coffee cans, or other containers that fit the halved paper towels
Mix olive oil, water, and baby shampoo.
Remove the cardboard center from both halves of paper towels.
Place halves of paper towels in 2 separate containers.
Pour 1/2 of mixture into each container, cover shake gently.
Pull sheet from the center of the paper towel roll and poke through the hole in top of baby wipe container; or cut hole in lid of plastic coffee can. Use just like regular store-bought wipes.

So there you have it, just a few small ways to save BIG MONEY!! Many of these ingredients can be found at the dollar tree and Wal-Mart, and re-use your old cleaning bottles to save even more.