Saturday, July 16, 2011

Faith, family ...and friendship?

Many recent events, including the news of our upcoming PCS to Edwards AFB have gotten me thinking about friendship and what it really means to me. This is not directed to anyone in particular, just something that's been bugging me lately and hope that I'm not the only person out there that feels this way. So I am venting my issue and intend to leave it at the door; once I have this off my chest!!
 I've been lucky enough in life to know some amazing people, and I have the most wonderful best friend anyone could ask for. We text every single day (seriously!!) and  although we talk on the phone rarely and live hundreds of miles apart when we get a chance to visit with one another it's like I just saw her yesterday, rather than months ago. We get each other, and rarely in life do you meet a friend that you can tell your honest opinion to and it not cause a rift. She is truly a blessing and I don't know what I would do without my bestest, we have stuck with each other through thick and thin and that is so hard to find these days.
So that gets me to the part that has been bothering me. I don't understand how a person can call you a friend if you do not appreciate your relationship with one another. REAL friends can talk about things and not put on a big charade, REAL friends are always there to help, REAL friends don't expect anything from you and are grateful for you just being you, REAL friends are there for you no matter what, when, where...well you get the point. After re-evaluating some of my "friendships" I realize to my dismay that some of them are one-sided. I feel like an idiot for being someone's doormat only because they want me do things for them, and when my family calls on them for help all we get is an excuse. Sure these people have always been nice and friendly and I have always thought well of them and that their intentions were good but was it really genuine? Do they really give a crap about our friendship or are they keeping us around in case they need to use us for something?
At the end of the day I know who my real friends are now. I know who will be there to see us off to California and who we will keep in touch with. I know who I can call when I'm irritated with my husband, the military or whatever else is going on. I will go to our new base with an open mind, but I have learned that it is better to have a few good friends that I can count on than a bunch of acquaintances.
 I hope that my friends do know that I appreciate their friendship, that I will do my best to help them in any way that I can and i'm sorry if I do not remind you what our friendship means to me. I know I need to do a much better job at keeping in touch with old friends, and I feel guilty for not doing as well as I should've over the years. Many people, including myself tend to let the stresses of  life get in the way of  what should be #1- Faith, Family and Friendship.
So if anyone out there is reading this (and I really hope you are!) thank your friends, tell your family you love them, be kind to one another and show appreciation when someone goes out of their way to help you. Life is too short to hold grudges, so this is me letting go of my grudge and starting new. Although the distance is long, I am looking forward to the opportunity to see new places, meet new people and recapture an old friendship. I am vowing to myself to work harder at maintaining  friendships and allowing myself to grow as a person in hopes that I will be a good example for my son. Speaking of my son, naptime has commenced so I must get back to being mommy. Again I did not write this to tick anyone off, this is just my way of washing away the bad and starting a new, happier chapter with my sweet little family of three :)

1 comment:

  1. I am so much more cautious with my choice of friends. I've had such bad experiences and people always let me down. I have many acquaintances, but not those I can call friends.
