Thursday, July 7, 2011

Salute to the military wives and mamas

two blogs in one day?!?! I wanted to save this until tomorrow but it is really weighing on my heart so I couldn't wait...otherwise i'd be up ALL.NIGHT.LONG. thinking of what I was planning to write; hoping I wouldn't forget anything.

Being a military wife means you see the world in a completely different perspective.
Being a mother, sister, brother or cousin is equally important to a servicemember but no one can support a soldier or airman like his wife.
There are many perks to being a military wife (healthcare, woot woot!!) but there are just as many things that keep us up at night worrying about one thing or another.

I have several friends and one family member who are fellow military wives and also mothers, of course there's one thing they all have in common with each other--their husbands are deployed and they are raising a child alone for the moment. One cannot fathom the emotions involved in that--mothers trying to keep it together so it does not affect their child or distract husbands from doing their jobs, fathers trying to keep it together as to not worry their wives and children.  I thank my lucky stars every day that my husband is still able to come home to us every evening, even though we may drive each other crazy at times--but I know at the end of the day that if I need a break even for five minutes he is there for me. If I need a good laugh, if things didn't turn out as I'd planned, if I need to cry...he is there.
My friends don't have that right now and it breaks my heart.
I know the lonliness and days of impatient waiting for my husband to get home from a deployment, so my heart goes out to all of these women.

I've been doing a lot of soul searching lately and i've come to this: When things get you down, when times seem tough, when you feel like breaking down--just remember that someone else out there is in a tougher situation and they are dealing with it and doing just fine.
Some people gripe about waiting five minutes in the grocery line, these women have to wait 6 months, sometime a year or more just to see their husbands again. They can't just be "too tired" to cook dinner or go to playgroup; they have to suck it up and be not only super mom but dad too and those are two big pairs of shoes to fill.

This post is not to make you pity these women, they are strong and independent and we military wives know what we are getting ourselves into the day we say our wedding vows. We do not want sympathy, only understanding. I just want people to realize that the woman who yells at the checkout lady for no reason or who neglects to put up her Christmas tree this year may not be the crazy neurotic woman you think she is..half of her heart may be on the other side of the world and she has the world weighing down on her shoulders. Do you think YOU could cope with all that AND raising a child with a big genuine smile on your face?? Didn't think so.
Try putting yourself in their shoes, both pair they have to fill while their husbands are defending our freedom.

I admire and respect these women more than words can say, you ladies are so brave, patient, steadfast and caring. I hope that if one day I am put in the same situation that I can push through just as you all are. I pray for you, your families and for the safe return of your husbands.

So if you're reading this tonight say a prayer, give thanks and help someone out when you can. You never know when you may need to call upon someone else to help you.

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