Monday, July 25, 2011

Just rambling on...

just when I thought I was done packing our orders to Alaska were cancelled (approximately 1 week after buying a new truck to get us to Alaska)--
I was slow to unpack because we were hopeful to get another assignment we'd requested...weeks pass, no news. In my scatterbrained state I think 'well if I start unpacking everything maybe we will get orders!' So I start unpacking. I was wrong--our request was denied while Mason and I were visiting family. Not a happy camper. After my 3 week long visit back home I decided to get over it and finish unpacking for good. Every last bit of it..
Naturally the day I finally decided to accept the fact that we WEREN'T moving, I get a text--"you ready to move to California?" What?!?!? NO WAY!!! I thought this had to be another one of my husband's tricks to see how gullible I am (he does this ALL. THE. TIME.) So I promptly replied that I'd believe it when I saw it on paper.
Today, one week later, I got to see that paper and hold it in my hands; heck he even made me a copy. Wow. I can't believe we are actually leaving. It is a bittersweet time for me; we bought our first house here, made some good friends, had some good times, had a baby and watched friend's babies grow. I will miss admiring my husband's handiwork throughout the house every day ( I LOVE our crown molding and vaulted ceiling...he is a construction mastermind, I tell you!) and who wouldn't miss living within walking distance to the beach?!?
That said, I am beyond excited for our new adventure! I may grumble about having to re-pack my entire house (yikes!) and not getting to enjoy a remodeled kitchen (I've been without a dishwasher for 4 years), but everything happens for a reason and I knew marrying into the military we were going to move eventually. We will be a few hours drive from cousins and one of my best friends from high school. Mason will get to go to Disneyland, the aquarium, the Pacific ocean (not many babies can say they've dipped their toes in both!) and have the opportunity to grow up near a dirtbike track --so he can be like his daddy of course ;-)

In addition to all the moving hullabaloo my aspiring business is finally starting to grow! After a LONG spell of no interest or orders things are beginning to pick up! I sure hope Californians like hair bows :) I have so many ideas but have not been able to justify spending money on supplies not knowing how things would sell, so I have decided to take a leap of faith and just go for it. I've gotta start somewhere, and maybe before too long i'll actually have more that 49 Facebook fans!!

Now that i've rambled on I should be off  planning, adding to my incredibly long to do list and most importantly kiss my little guy goodnight :)

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